Annual Singings in Georgia

This page has not been updated since February 2020. See our Upcoming Singings page for current information.

Annual singings are the best place to experience Sacred Harp. They might be big or small, old (over 150 years) or new. Most annual singings are all-day singings with dinner at noon. They usually start at 10:00 Eastern (9:30 for big singings) in Georgia or 9:00 Central in Alabama. They end around 2:30 or 3:00, after everyone who wants to lead a song has had a turn. Newcomers are always welcome.

The list of Georgia and eastern Alabama singings below is generated from Warren Steel's annual Sacred Harp directory and annual Christian Harmony directory. Sometimes singings change or are cancelled at the last minute. Detailed up-to-date confirmed information is given each month on our upcoming singings page.

Click the link for each singing to open a Google Map to it. Where the book is not noted, the 1991 edition of The Sacred Harp is used.

Updated February 29, 2020. Additions, corrections, comments, or questions? Send us an email